Mobile Banking App | Design Challenge

Improving DFCU Bank App main feed UX to increase conversion rates.

Redesign the mobile App main feed experience to address user's pain points


Design Challenge

DFCU Bank is a leading financial institution in Uganda offering a wide range of banking products. With the disruption of the financial industry by FinTech companies has created a sense of innovation in the bank to allow it stay ahead of industry trends especially in digital transformation. We need to rethink main feed UX to increase conversion rates for our main digital activities.

Project Overview

Project Core Team

This was a solo project done within a week including UX research, wireframing, mockup design and prototyping. Note that this project was limited to the main feed page UX of the App

Project summary


DFCU Bank App

My Role

UI/UX Designer




One Week

The Problem

Increasing product offerings has created scalability issues

The current design comes with it's scalability and accessibility issues

Poor scalability

The layout and navigation were not optimized for a rapidly expanding product offerings

Unintuitive interactivity

The navigation process to most activities/products is confusing with the most prominent issue being the lack of a "back navigation" button

Hard to discover

Users struggled to find core offerings that matched their preferences including the bank's promotional products

Brand design inconsistences

Lack of brand consistence in the App's user interface which might reduce brand loyalty amongst users.

The Challenge

Transform the overwhelming app's main feed experience into an engaging, delightful and scalable experience that guides users towards their main goal faster.

Design Principles

Expected improvements to meet design objectives

Designing for scalability while improving the user experience.

Redefine the navigation experience

Prioritize navigation and interactions that feel natural and intuitive for users. They should also follow a common flow to other apps users interact with for memorability and learnability.

Simplicity & Clarity

Minimize complexity and cognitive load by presenting information in a clear, concise, and easily digestible manner.

Scaleable & Flexible

Have a forward-thinking approach that ensures the app especially the main feed can readily adapt to new content, features, and user needs

Consistency & Familiarity

Create a design-system, adhere to the established platform conventions to create a predictable and user-friendly experience.

My process

It isn't as straight forward as it seems

In reality there is a lot of iteration following design critics




Target Users

Previous research



User interviews

Field Observation



Journey mapping


Sketching Ideas



Lo-Fi prototypes

Hi-Fi Prototypes

Final Design



User Testing

Design critic

Growing painpoints

Main feed page

Initially designed to have two user types; Farmers and ESCOs, As new user types and offerings categories were added, users faced difficulty navigating the expanding collection, and the homepage's limited space hindered effective content showcasing.

Earlier main feed

Pinpointed issues

As a first time user, it's hard for me to know how to search/navigate to product offerings

I had issues going back to the main feed on various occasions because I could not find the "back" button

Having heard of the Mobiloan product, I had issues finding where it was located in the app

I had issues starting bank to bank transaction because I failed on 3 attempts to find where to start

Patching things up (digital wireframes)

First off, I needed to make it easier for users to find product offerings that align with their interests, and present information in a clear and organized manner to avoid overwhelming them. We also need to make the interface familiar with similar apps UX for easy learnability of new and existing users.

New main feed wireframe

Patching things up (digital design)

First off, I needed to make it easier for users to find product offerings that align with their interests, and present information in a clear and organized manner to avoid overwhelming them. We also need to make the interface familiar with similar apps UX for easy learnability of new and existing users.

New main feed

The improvements

Easy access to core features and product offerings through well placed icons and buttons and introduction of a navigation bar

Adherence to brand colors while adhering to accessibility standards/guidelines

Emphasizing the Mobiloan link given that it is a promotional product accessible only digitally.

Redesigning the history section UI to depict the nature of transaction (debit/credit)


Enjoy the prototype video presentation


Project take aways

The Power of Passive Discovery — Curating engaging content on the main feed page can drive "passive discovery," exposing users to offerings they might not have actively sought out. A balance of active and passive discovery is crucial for a platform with a growing product offerings

Influence Through Input — Having to design for simplicity first causes you to prioritize clear focus states, minimizing complex input combinations, and optimizing for directional navigation.

There is need to develop a design system to have cohesion in the various app components. This will lead to faster implementation of design changes by the development and design teams.

Interactive prototype


A Ugandan based Product Designer with great experience working with startups and established brand alike

A Ugandan based Product Designer with great experience working with startups and established brand alike



Mobile: +256 759 373894

Mobile: +256 759 373894



Let's connect

Let's connect



